New to yoga?
Welcome! If you're thinking about trying yoga for the first time, this is a great place to start. You may be wondering, what are the benefits of doing yoga? Here are a few...
- Happier mood
- Better focus
- Low impact on the body
- A calmer, quieter mind
- More energy
- Improved strength & flexibility
- Improved confidence
- Reduces mental and physical stress
- Decreased back pain
- Improved sleep
There are countless mental and physical benefits that come with doing yoga. If you've never tried a class before, it doesn't have to be intimidating! Here is some advice for your first class:
- Select a class that is right for you.
- Bring all the gear you need or borrow what you can from the studio - Click here to see "what to bring to practice"
- Arrive to class 10 - 15 minutes early, speak to the teacher if you feel comfortable and let them know this is your first practice. This helps them help you :)
- Remember that yoga is not a competition. We often close the eyes and turn our focus inward. Don't worry about being judged here. Your pose won't look like your neighbor's, simply because you don't look like your neighbor. Learn to let go of comparing yourself to others. Comparison is the theif of joy.
- Listen to your body and only do what you feel comfortable. If a pose is too challenging, listen to your teacher for modifications that can be done. Yogis come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. We can modifiy the pose to meet you where you are in your body today.
- Breathe and Smile :) You got this!!!