Sound Healing Meditation

You can now book a private Chakra Sound Healing Meditation with Terri Hargrove, 500 E-RYT and Master Reiki practitioner. Simply lie back in a supported comfortable position surrounded by quartz crystal singing bowls that are tuned to the 7 chakra key notes while you are guided through a relaxing and rejuvenating chakra meditation.
Call or text 479-459-2187 for details and appointments times.
**Additional fees for travel.
Half hour $40
Full Hour $75
Meditation Theme: Full Moon
Location: Seva Yoga Studios
Address: 3400 Rogers Avenue #136,
Fort Smith, AR
Cost: $20 per person
Location: Seva Yoga Studios
Address: 3400 Rogers Avenue #136,
Fort Smith, AR
Cost: $20 per person
Yogaterrium Tracks OnlineYou asked for high quality recordings of Terri Hargrove's quartz crystal singing bowls and your wish has be granted. Be on the look out for more to be released!!!
You can tune in through just about any music app Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, and more. |